Luxury leather yoga equipment. Home Gym Designer in Singapore. Luxury Fitness Equipment.

Creating a Fitness Space in Small Apartments

Most people think that they need a lot of space to have a gym in their home. However, this is not the case.

With a little creativity, you can make any space work for your fitness needs. You do not need a lot of equipment to get a good workout. There are many ways to get fit without spending a lot of money. 

Here are five tips to get you started:

  1. Get creative with your furniture

From coffee tables to ottomans, there are plenty of pieces of furniture that can double as workout equipment - you just need to get creative.

  • Use a coffee table as a weight bench. Place your hands on the edge of the table and do push-ups, tricep dips, or other exercises. Of course, only do this with a solid table, and not one that is made of glass.
  • Use an ottoman or stool as a step stool. Place one foot on the ottoman and raise the other foot that is on the floor up and down for a simple calf raise. 
  1. Get Equipment which store vertically and utilize walls for storage


Some fitness equipment designers have considered the limited floor space that many people have and have designed their equipment to be extremely sleek, and also can be stored vertically. The NOHrD WaterRower can be stored vertically, and the NOHrD Slimbeam is a functional cable machine, which takes up very little floor space.

Think about storing your equipment on shelves and walls when not in use - for example, the PENT MATA is a fitness or yoga mat which folds away neatly and looks beautiful when hung on the wall.  

  1. Use functional fitness equipment which have multiple uses

If you're looking for a way to get fit that doesn't require a lot of space or money, functional fitness equipment is the way to go - skip ropes, dumbbells, kettlebells etc. This type of equipment can be used for a variety of full body exercises, and they can be stored easily. We would go with the PENT LOVA because just 1 kettlebell is all you need for a full body workout - goblet squats, kettlebell thrusts and swings, Russian twists and more! 

A stability ball is another great piece of equipment that can be used for a variety of exercises. You can use it for core work, balance training, yoga or pilates and it can double up as your seat to help you maintain a good posture when seated.

  1. Think about lighting and ventilation

Next, think about lighting and ventilation. You don't want to be working out in the dark, so make sure there are plenty of overhead lights. You also want to ensure that the workout area has good ventilation because you'll need plenty of air circulation during workouts. You may consider adding mirrors to help with your training as it is a great way to let you check your own posture while training and it helps to give the illusion of a larger space. 

  1. Don't forget about safety!

Make sure there's enough room around your workout space and equipment, so it doesn't get damaged by other items in your apartment (or by other people). Also, consider investing in a padded flooring to prevent injury from slipping or falls while exercising.


When done right, having an exercise space in a small apartment can be just as effective as going to a full gym. You will also be ready if another pandemic hits and we all have to live in isolation again. 

Cycling Bears a NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) certified home gym design studio, advised by a team of fitness professionals, wellness coaches and interior designers.

We would be happy to work with you to design your fitness space or recommend the right equipment for your fitness goals. Contact us at and come by our showroom!

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